Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy, or AEDP, is an affective model of change developed by Dr. Diana Fosha, author of the The Transforming Power of Affect: A model for accelerated change (Basic Books, 2000). AEDP is rooted in attachment theory, affective neuroscience, body-focused approaches and transformational studies. As an experiential, healing centered model, AEDP fosters the emergence of new and healing experiences through the in-depth processing of difficult emotional and relational experiences. Key to this experiential enterprise is the establishment of the therapeutic relationship as secure base, which we seek to do from the beginning of the relationship.
There is no better way to capture the ethos of AEDP than to say this: we try to help our clients—and ourselves—become stronger at the broken places. By working with trauma, loss, and the painful consequences of the limitations of human relatedness, we discover places that have always been strong, places that were never broken. Diana Fosha, Ph.D. is the developer of AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), and founder and current director of the AEDP Institute. The AEDP Institute is an internationally recognized organization that specializes in training therapists in a healing-oriented transformational approach to the treatment of attachment trauma. A leader in the field of transformational studies in trauma treatment, Diana's work on healing transformational processes focuses on integrating neuroplasticity, recognition science and developmental dyadic research into experiential clinical process work with patients. In addition to her book, she is senior editor, with Daniel Siegel and Marion Solomon, of The healing power of emotion: Affective neuroscience, development & clinical practice (Norton, 2009). 2 DVDs of her live AEDP clinical work has been issued by the American Psychological Association (APA). With an interest in the phenomenology of experience, Diana is on the cutting edge of transformational theory and practice. Many of her papers are available through the AEDP website at To learn more, please click here |